Saturday, November 24, 2007

BizTalk Server 2006 (7) BTS Maps

Through BTS Maps:
  • You can start creating a map in vs2005, and then open a source schema and open a destination schema
  • Then you can simply drag and drop item from the source item to the destination item to map them.
  • If you need to do furthur tasks when mapping such as string concatenation, multiplication of numbers, you will need to drag a Functoid from toolbox to the mapping grid and drag an item from the source schema to the Functoid, and then drag a line from this Functoid to the destination item.
  • Note that if more than one Functoid is used, the order of the placement of the Functoid matters.
  • You can program your custom Functoid to cater for specific needs.
Functoids in BizTalk

Writing Custom BizTalk Functoids
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